Getting Started
Embedded Banking components allow financial institutions (FIs) to offer banking services to Embedded Banking Partners. Partners are businesses, typically outside of the financial services industry, that offer a secured portal on their own application that could benefit from financial services. Partners may be auto dealers, schools, or other similar institutions.
For a deeper explanation of Embedded Banking, visit our Overview.
The partner has access to a variety of Embedded Banking Components. A component is a select feature of online banking, such as Transfers or Account Balances. The partner can select one or many of these Components to include in their secured portal, offering the banking services that benefits their users and their company.
For an overview of all embedded banking components, see our Components conceptual article.
When a FI decides to offer their financial services to partners via Embedded Banking, they will be lead through an onboarding process by Apiture. Apiture will collect information from the FI, from the partner (if one is available), and have both parties register on Apiture’s Developer Portal.
For an overview of the onboarding process, see Registering your Application.
Apiture will also guide both the FI and any partner(s) through workshops where the Embedded Banking Components are customized to meet the design needs of all involved parties. Component design is highly flexible and most design choices can be integrated into the components. After these workshops are completed, the Partner is able to do some appearance modification on their own, or Apiture can be contacted for help with larger adjustments.
For more information on Customization, see Component Customization and Customization Examples.
Integrating Components into Applications
Embedded banking components are included in an application via a JavaScript library. The library, along with other required assets, are provided to the FI and Partner during onboarding.
Components use Events to handle communication between the Partner’s application and the FI. These events tell the Embedded Banking Component when the user wants to log into Embedded Banking, wants to re-authenticate, or wants to disconnect from Embedded Banking. Payloads passed during events must be encrypted or decrypted by the Partner.
When user logs into embedded banking, the partner must store a secured `userCode` that links the user’s account at the FI to the user’s account within the Partner’s secured portal. This code, if it has not expired, allows the user to view their FI account information within Embedded Banking without needing to fully log in every time they navigate to a new page. The partner chooses how to store and access this code securely within their user information; no cookies or other front end data storage is required.
For a better understanding of the Encryption and Authentication methods, see our Encryption and Authentication conceptual article.
For a guide on how embed components and handle their related events see Initializing Components.
For a guide on populating payloads, encrypting/decrypting data, using the userCode, and automatic logout, see Event Handling and Data Processing.
Banking Communication and Security
All other communication happens on the FI’s server, including the log in process, any access to account information, and any request for money movement or other actions. The content within an embedded banking component cannot be accessed or manipulated by the Partner.
Features of online banking that are not available within individual components must be accessed on the FI’s full online banking website. The user will always need to log in again (or already be logged in) to access the FI’s full website; the component’s login session does not pass to the full FI website.
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